Free Your Legs From Unsightly, Painful Varicose Veins

Varicose veins can be an uncomfortable source of embarrassment and leg disfigurement, and those who suffer from them often find their lives quite different from their days before vein disease. If you’re nostalgic about wearing shorts without self-consciousness or you wish you could go about your routine without distraction from leg discomfort, Vein Associates of Texas is here for you.

What Are Varicose Veins?

The purpose of a vein (as opposed to an artery) is to return blood back to the heart after it delivers oxygen to the rest of your body. Since the heart sits high in the body, veins must often fight the force of gravity. In order to prevent gravity from causing blood backflow, veins have valves that only open one way. When these valves become defective and allow blood to flow backward in the vein, it’s called venous insufficiency, which is responsible for the painful, swollen veins that we call varicose veins.

Risk Factors And Signs That You Need a Vein Doctor

The exact cause of varicose veins is not clear, but we know a number of contributing factors. If any of the following applies to you, then you could be at risk of developing varicose veins:


Female gender

Family history of varicose veins

Long periods of time spent in the same position

Advanced age

Everyone, but especially those with the above risk factors, should keep an eye out for the symptoms of varicose veins, which include:

Bulging or discolored veins

Restless legs

Leg pain & swelling

Difficulty sleeping at night

Keeping a close watch on your leg sensation and appearance—especially if you’re at high risk—can reduce the impact of varicose veins by allowing you to seek treatment before they worsen. Venous insufficiency is progressive, meaning varicose veins will only get worse if left untreated. Avoid extreme discomfort and disfigured legs by seeking help for your varicose veins as soon as you notice them!

Advanced Treatments For Varicose Veins in Kerrville and San Antonio

In order to return you to a life without leg pain, your varicose veins must be done away with. In the past, this always meant surgery. But with the latest technology available to us here at Vein Associates of Texas, you’ll barely notice any disruption of your daily schedule. Both of our varicose vein procedures are fast and minimally invasive, and they only require local anesthesia to perform. Depending on the severity of your varicose veins, you’ll likely be finished in under an hour and may return to work at the conclusion of your procedure.

We’ll give you the legs you desire with…

Endovenous Ablation (EVA) – Using ultrasound for precise guidance, we safely heat up the collagen in multiple sections of the varicose vein’s wall with a small probe. This impairs the vein’s functionality, prompting your body to reroute blood to other veins. The disabled vein is then naturally reabsorbed.

Sclerotherapy – A chemical called a sclerosant is injected into the varicose vein, which irritates and damages the lining. The vein eventually shuts down and is reabsorbed in a similar fashion to EVA.

Request a Vein Screening and Find Out If Insurance May Cover Any Needed Treatment

Do your legs feel tired, heavy, achy or swollen?

Unhealthy leg veins are covered by most insurances.

Call or click the button below to request a vein screening at one of our offices in San Antonio or Kerrvile.

Varicose Veins

Eliminate varicose veins with minimally invasive procedures covered by insurance.

Spider Veins

Minimally invasive, highly effective and quick enough to have performed on your lunch break.

Payment & Insurance

Most varicose vein and hemorrhoid treatments are covered by insurance – including Medicare.

San Antonio

8535 Wurzbach Rd, San Antonio, TX 78240, USA

8535 Wurzbach Road Galaxy Plaza 2, Suite 106

San Antonio, TX 78240


723 Hill Country Dr, Kerrville, TX 78028, USA

723 Hill Country Drive, Suite C

Kerrville, TX 78028

Vein Treatment Center San Antonio & Kerrville. Millions of people struggle with the pain and embarrassment caused by varicose and spider veins. Our vein treatment center in San Antonio Texas and Kerrville Texas can help you eliminate both spider veins and varicose veins.

San Antonion

8535 Wurzbach Road

Galaxy Plaza 2, Suite 106

San Antonio, TX 78240



723 Hill Country Drive, Suite C

Kerrville, TX 78028





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